Artificial Intelligence Explainability Accountability (AIEA) Lab


Aloha world! We are an interdisciplinary group of students and researchers focused at UC Santa Cruz.


Our mission is to conduct cutting-edge interpretable and explainable AI research that inspires curiosity, while actively explaining systemic injustices within and outside computer science through expanded empowerment, alongside fun and stimulating collaborators.


The AIEA lab takes an interdisciplinary approach to understand complex AI systems. We use existing explainable models, we develop models, and we test models. Our group puts a strong focus on interpretability as a science, and we employ it in everything we do, including transparent meetings, feedback, and open-source code.

An explainable assessment tool or autograder for CSE courses

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Can we explain hallucinations in LLMs?

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Autonomous vehicles are project to making errors and failures without knowing why. Our goal is to (1) detect those errors and (2) explain them for better understandability.

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Leilani H. Gilpin

Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz

Jack Fox Keen

Ph.D. student, Strange Loop, UC Santa Cruz

Oliver Chang

PhD Student, UC Santa Cruz

Li Liu

Ph.D. student, UC Santa Cruz

Peiyu (Olivia) Wang

Ph.D. student, UC Santa Cruz

Kalyana Suma Sree Tholeti

UC Santa Cruz, Master Student

John Yu

Master Student, UC Santa Cruz

Sijia Zhong

Master student, UC Santa Cruz

Max Meyers

Undergraduate Student, UC Santa Cruz, UC Santa Cruz

Tong Jia

Undergradute Student, Major in Computer Science, UC Santa Cruz

Nick Wang

Undergraduate Student, UC Santa Cruz

Brendon Chen

Alumni, UC Santa Cruz

Andrew Susanto

Undergraduate Student, UC Santa Cruz

Oliver Lokhandwala

Undergraduate Student, UC Santa Cruz

Shreedhar Jangam

Undergraduate Student, UC Santa Cruz

Coen Adler

Undergraduate student, UC Santa Cruz

Camden Beard

Undergraduate Student, UC Santa Cruz

Batuhan Salih

Master's Student, UC Santa Cruz

Ivan Del Rio

Undergraduate Student, UC Santa Cruz

Full team


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